Retail + 1 more

Baker Hughes Sells Industrial Property for $500,000


Although notable for being the first bookstore to reenter the downtown Oklahoma City market for decades, Commonplace Books is also breaking new ground on how they have used the concept of a pop-up…

Office + 3 more

Craig Tucker & Cordell Brown of Price Edwards & Company completed the sale of the historic First National Center to NE CS First National, LP for $23 million.

Office + 2 more

Eide Bailly Leases 20,000 SF at The Heritage

Office + 4 more

Office Division


(pictured above, Madison Square of Norman)

How important are relationships when dealing with real estate or just everyday life?

Office + 4 more

With gratitude to our clients, Price Edwards & Company would like to share some of the highlighed transactions of 2016.

Office + 3 more

For many new businesses, negotiating a lease can be an overwhelming but very important task.

Office + 1 more

Retail Investment Team Brokers Sale of Danforth Plaza for $3,375,000


(Proposed re-development of Spring Creek Plaza)