Urban Retail

Download our Urban Retail Market Report (email required)

We are happy to share our first Downtown Oklahoma City Urban Retail Report. Typically, our year-end and mid-year retail reports analyze occupancy and trends for properties of 25,000 square feet and larger. Due to the size and nature of the retail spaces in OKC’s urban core, we have never done an analysis of this area. We first began research for this report several years ago and we spent many hours field verifying information and categorizing storefront level uses. After finalizing the data, we reviewed and analyzed with Hampton Urban Planning.

The survey area follows the current Downtown Business Improvement District guidelines, generally spanning from NW 13th Street south to Reno Avenue, Interstate-235 west to Classen Boulevard. It surveys approximately 1,650,000 SF of ground floor space, including over 300 retail spaces.

If you are familiar with downtown, via walking or by shopping its districts, you may not be surprised by our report. But, if you don’t regularly visit downtown as a customer, we hope that you will appreciate both the level of activity and insight that this report offers.