Office + 2 more

Retail Investment Team Brokers $9,600,000 Shopping Center Sale


2018 was a year of mixed results for the Oklahoma City office market. While vacancies increased, so did absorption of space.

Office + 3 more
Click here to see the highlighted transactions from the past month.
Office + 4 more
Click here to see the highlighted transactions from 2018.
Are you prepared in the event your property floods?
Office + 2 more
Click here to see the highlighted transactions from the past month.
Office + 3 more
To see a comprehensive list of sales in the Oklahoma City markets, please click here.
Office + 3 more
Click here to see the highlighted transactions from the past month.
Click here to see the highlighted transactions from the past month.
3 main types of lease agreements are Full Service, Triple Net, and Modified Gross. This overview will help you understand lease agreements widely used today.