For July of 2020, Price Edwards & Company had a total of 28 transactions. We had a total sales volume of $2,475,000 and we leased a total of 62,167 SF.
Not another blog about Covid! Although I wrote about the potential uncertainty about the Covid induced economic crisis back in March, I am revisiting it in a different…
For June of 2020, Price Edwards & Company had a total of 29 transactions. We had a total sales volume of $4,394,000 and we leased a total of 58,852 SF.
The successful reopening of apartment communities is critical not only to making things start to feel like normal but also to putting the economy back on track.…
As multifamily brokers, we consistently hear from buyers searching for value-add properties. However, increasingly, we are beginning to hear discouragement there are…
Pam Billings honored with award at national summit
I have a lot of conversations about apartments every day. Within minutes of a conversation, it is easy to spot who knows what they are talking about and who does not.