Chris Roberts | Industrial Specialist

Industrial Leasing
Industrial Investment

Chris Roberts joined the Industrial Team of Price Edwards and Company in June of 2015 and is responsible for the sale or leasing of industrial, office, and retail space in and around the Greater Oklahoma City area.  Chris has expertise in Class A, ground-up development, and leasing.  Before joining Price Edwards and Company, Chris had over a decade of customer service and sales experience gained through work in the wine and spirits industry in Oklahoma, Chicago, and California.  Chris was also one of the first employees of the Oklahoma City Thunder in 2008 and helped assist the initial ticket request list and sale of 13,000 full-season tickets and later served as a season ticket account manager for three seasons. 

Chris is married to his wife Elizabeth, and they have a daughter named Geren.  

Notable Sales Transactions

Name Type Square Feet Sale Price
2727 W Memorial Special Purpose 30,360 $3,795,000
2120-2200 NW 164th Investment 14,760 $3,300,100
3824 W Reno Industrial 35,000 $2,750,000
701 W California Industrial/Office 22,250 $2,610,000
3600 S Kelly Industrial 46,556 $2,500,000
4300 W River Park Industrial 25,967 $2,675,000
11301 S I-44 Service Rd Industrial 46,746 $2,600,000
9400-9500 W Reno Land 1,176,120 $2,250,000

Notable Lease Transactions

Tenant Property Location Square Feet
The Morrison Group 3400 S Kelly Oklahoma City, OK 198,253
Allios 13404 E 59th Tulsa, OK 61,200
Crown Equipment 9500 W Reno Oklahoma City, OK 57,414
Valve Sales Inc. 4344 S Matbell Tulsa, OK 37,462
Oklahoma Upfitters 6408 S Eastern Oklahoma City, OK 27,462
The Date Box 7501 SW 29th Oklahoma City, OK 25,307
JG Diesel 315 W 20th Elk City, OK 14,800